pests and diseases

Tips for avoiding pests and diseases

Like most plants, roses can be affected by various pests and diseases – but don’t let that put you off growing them in your garden. Prevention is better than cure, and there are a few easy steps you can take to mitigate the likelihood of an attack. This guide will help you identify a range of pests and diseases and advise on the correct actions to take. These preventative measures and treatments will help keep your roses healthy for many years to come.

There are multiple pests that feed off rose plants, causing serious damage if left untreated. These creatures can include Aphids, Caterpillars, Leaf Rolling Sawfly, Deer, Rabbits, Red Spider Mite and Thrips. Traditional methods of controlling these pests such as spraying with insecticides are still the most popular option, although there are some more natural forms of pest control you could try which are much kinder to the environment.

Air Circulation

Allow your roses enough room to breathe and don’t plant them too close together, overcrowding them.


Choose varieties with good, natural resistance. The newer varieties are tested to be disease resistant and may be an easier option to grow successfully. Shrub type roses typically need
few chemicals applied to them yet bloom beautifully. Whereas Hybrid Tea roses are more susceptible to disease and need to be sprayed before the growing season begins.


Get to know your plants, wander around the garden observing. Look for early warning signs of stress to the plant (a precursor to disease), disease that appears, or insects.


Don’t leave old leaves, wood or plant material lying around. Disease often starts on the leaves that are damaged (and therefore weak), or on bits of broken plant on the ground.


Too much humidity at night provides the environment for disease to start. It is best not to water in the evenings.


As roses age they become more prone to diseases. Think about changing plants after 10 years or so if they begin to decline.

Prevention of pests and diseases

There are some sprays that act as a preventative if applied before any disease is seen. We regularly spray our roses with Rose Clear, Bug Clear, Liquid Seaweed and Sulphur Rose Tonic.

Pests and diseases are preventable with the right care and attention. We hope our quick guide helps you to manage your beautiful roses.