What is a bare root rose?

We sell roses as either potted or bare root. A bare root rose is one that we have grown in a field for 18 months. They are supplied without any soil, hard pruned and often have no foliage.

We lift the roses out of the fields in Autumn as the plant is entering its natural dormant season. When a bare root rose is delivered, the only care needed before you plant it is to keep it moist and in a cool place.

When do I plant a bare root?

When a bare root rose is delivered, the only care needed before you plant it is to keep it moist and in a cool place. Bare root plants can be planted between October and April but avoid planting in waterlogged or frozen ground.

What to do when I receive my bare root?

Immediately remove the bare root from all packaging and rehydrate the roots by soaking them in water for an hour. Time your soaking so that you can leave the roots in water until the minute you’re ready to plant your rose.

What to do if I am not able to plant my bare root straight away?

Immediately remove the bare root rose from all packaging and store somewhere dark, cold (No more than +5C) and damp. The rose will need to kept moist at all times. i.e spray with water daily until you’re ready to plant. We do not recommend this and is best to plant the rose as soon as possible.

Some of our customers are surprised when they receive a bare root variety as visually it doesn’t look appealing. It is though a very healthy plant ready to be planted out so it can root and grow in time for the next years flowering. More hints and tips on planting read our blog. If you are looking for your next bare root or potted rose, browse our excellent selection here.